How is Infinite Recovery different
to other ways of treatment?
This approach to treatment is completely different to the traditional therapies that are used for addiction and mental health such as counselling, CBT or psychotherapy. There are no techniques or coping mechanisms like anger management, problems solving or conflict resolution needed.
This is insight lead learning, where change can come effortlessly. This shows that as we are creating life in the moment, there is always opportunity for a shift in perspective and a new reality to form, regardless of your mental health or past experiences.
Once you see just a glimpse of the relationship between thought, emotion and experience a change in perspective can happen, it paves the way for the dominos to fall. You will see and question how your whole life experience looks to the point where it all starts to look different.
This programme is different to psychological therapies and 12 steps, the process of change comes about uniquely. Treatment is delivered in a loving non-confrontational environment, with a feeling of calm and peace, this allows for a reflective space and an attraction to learning more.
This treatment is delivered by people personally impacted by what they are teaching which enables them to point to the source of well-being.
It is imperative that the practitioner is in a good state of mind, without this they cannot confidently point you to your own mental health.

vs Model of Disease
This approach is looking at your innate mental health, whereas other treatments are looking at the mental illness.
Other approaches see you as broken, sick or unwell needing to be fixed or get better, at the Infinite Recovery Project we see you as innately healthy, regardless of the manifestation of your behaviour. We are all born with innate wisdom, we just sometimes get lost in our own mind and conditioning along the way.
Seeing the well-being within allows the practitioner to help you have insights into how you can become free of the suffering you have been innocently creating. Not only does that free you from the addictive process, it is life changing, and makes a difference to all areas of life.
Clear Understanding
In other modalities of change, regardless of ‘spiritual’ or psychological there is an emphasis on process, behaviour or thought change.
This approach understands that you have all the answers inside of you, and only need guidance to shine a light on your own wisdom, in order to see it.
We point to what is true for everyone, avoiding getting into your personal struggles, what often happens is problems lessen and disappear without realisation.

- Positive feelings are experience more often
- This is both preventative and curative
- We tap into our happiness, joy & security
- Less stress, anxiety, or other mental health conditions
- Change can be instantaneous, and permanent
- We no longer need to strive for change, insight happens.
- Family relationships can heal alongside your own
- No maintenance is needed to stay clean