Infinite Recovery Project is a process of awakening the health that is innate within all human beings. Seeing beyond diagnosis and disease models of recovery, we help you to see the intelligence at play that we call addiction. How we experience reality from the inside-out, and how to live life’s eb’s and flow’s with more ease, more joy, contentment, and a grounded sense of well-being.
We learn through the process, where our mental well-being comes from, and how to ride the roller coaster of life, regardless of labels or diagnosis. We also find out how to live & experience life in a completely new way, insights you get in the programme, are permanent, and do not require upkeep or regular practice. You cannot lose them.

-Syd Banks

Online Programme
Being immersed into a new understanding is an essential part of this ground-breaking programme. We learn best when surrounded by and immersed in new ideas, seeing people change and have insights right before our eyes.

E-Learning Course
Our ground breaking E-Learning course takes you on a journey of understanding yourself, from the inside out. It asks questions and forces reflection on beliefs and understandings of life that create transformation

One to One coaching creates a space to reflect on what you are learning in your transformative process. A transformative coach will help guide you to your own insights that are permanent life changing insights of what is already true.

Coaching Webinars
These meetings happen twice weekly for 90 mins, this is where we learn about a particular area of the understanding that will be life changing. We get to share insights, ask for guidance and share what we are seeing fresh about life, how life looks different.

Our private support group is available 24/7 where you can post questions, read shares and participate in conversations about what you are learning. This is completely private and moderated by Infinite Recovery staff. So you can feel safe if you are sharing.

We don’t just leave you stranded when your immersive programme has finished. Believe it or not, we get great joy from seeing your transformation, so we would love for you to be part of our lifetime recovery community, where someone is always available.
Journey Today